The other night, I bought up the topic of our financial future. She is well aware that I (in my mind it includes her as well) would like to retire as early as possible - ideally 40, realistically 55, and work only for pleasure, not out of necessity.
She, ideally would like to retire around the age of 55, but feels she will not be able to retire until she is closer to 65, as she will not have a large enough financial basket.
As I have taken a retirement planning course during my MBA, I have been able to start on a financial plan which covers the next 50 years of my life. Naturally my plan will have included a savings plan with my money spread over various investments vehicles, to let us be able to retire by 55.
As I question her about her investment situation, I find out that she does not have any investments, just savings! Her money is all liquid, and not in any sort of investment vehicle. She is extremely ANTI investing money. She does not trust the market. The last 4 years have gravely impacted her personally, and she does not want get back into it, EVER.
She says that I can to what I want with the savings from my portion of the income, but I can not invest her money.
I told her that if her money is not growing faster than inflation, she is loosing money and she will not get the same value for that dollar tomorrow as you are today. She counters by saying that at least she will know at all times how much money she has, and that she will not be losing it.
Her share of the savings are very important to our financial future. If we do not invest her share of the savings, she will not have to work until 65, WE will have to work forever.
Any thoughts? This is a tough one to wrap my head around. I will need to think about it over the next few days.